
School Governance

Our Board Members are a vital part of our ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ School Community.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Anglican School Board Members 2024

Board Members 2024

  • Ven Ian Millican Chair
  • Cameron Stewart Deputy Chair
  • Kim Scott
  • Karen Madirazza
  • Neil Smith
  • Rev Paul Foster
  • Geoff Deane
  • Andrew Corbett
  • Ven Tory Cayzer

Ex Officios

  • David Smith Principal
  • Colin Chandler Chief Operating Officer
  • Rev Mark Rundle Chaplain

Committee Chairs

  • Finance Kim Scott
  • Governance Neil Smith
  • Master Planning Cameron Stewart
  • RiskÌý°Õµþ°ä
  • Foundation Louise Ingall
  • Strategic Planning Ian Millican
  • Nominations Ian Millican

Download our

2023 Annual Report

Discover the heart of ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Anglican School through our Annual Report. Delve into the milestones, achievements, and future aspirations of our vibrant community. Gain insight into our commitment to student success, well-being, and academic excellence. Download now and be inspired by the ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ journey and its impact on tomorrow's leaders.





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